Before I got involved in this industry I had been buying things from a physical store opened by a friend. The price my
friend gave me was also a very reasonable price for a business, almost the same as the agency price for real first-hand goods. Hermes with a history of blood and tears Hermes is undoubtedly the most expensive high-end replica on the market, especially Birkin. This authentic
product is said to take 2-3 years to be ordered. There are actually not many manufacturers that make imported Togo leather for Hermes, so the
price of birkin, which is a top-quality product, is indeed not low, but if it is sold for 8,000, it still requires a lot of trouble. Within
the price range of the more conscientious sellers in this industry, bags of this grade will generally be
sold to the next seller at a price increase of 500-1,000. So, you have to deal with 2-3 hands anyway... But will you really bother with 3 or
4-hand sellers? I don't think so. If it is really a conscientious seller of 3-4 hands who sells it at this price, then you can only admit that
you are unlucky because the seller you are looking for is a third-hand seller. But in reality? This kind of 8,000-yuan-priced bag is often not an imported Togo leather bag with a relatively high starting point. You may be looking
forward to it, but in the end what you get is just an original leather Birkin |